Sunday, April 29, 2012

Florence Art Tour

This week, I went  on an art tour to see the famous works of artists that were sponsored by the Medici Family. The Medici family lived in Florence during the Renaissance. They were great patrons of art and culture. Because the Medici family revolutionized European life, some say that they were the godfathers of the renaissance. They left a legacy that changed history.
This painting is Prima Vera by Sandro Botticelli. He was one of Lorenzo Medici's favorite artists. This painting was controversial at the time because it didn't show biblical events. It portrayed a Pagan custom.

This is Donatello's David. It was the first freely standing bronze statue created during the Renaissance. It marked the beginning of art patronage.
Michelangelo was a student at the first ever art university in Florence. When he was just a teenager, Lorenzo Medici brought him under his wing. Lorenzo told Michelangelo to create non-biblical art, but Michelangelo refused. Instead, he painted works like this one, titled The Creation of Adam.
Leonardo Da Vinci was another artist patronized by the Medici family. He was interested in engineering as well as art. As a child, he helped a master artist create commissioned paintings. His use of vibrant colors set his work apart. Interested in human anatomy, he dissected multiple corpses.
On of Michelangelo's masterpieces is the ceiling of the Sistine chapel. He painted it at a time when Giovanni Medici was pope Leo X. The Medici's had religious power as well as being the despots of Florence. Leo X commissioned the ceiling in the Vatican to Michelangelo, who cynically obliged. He thought his time was better spent sculpting and. Although Michelangelo resented being forced to paint the Sistine chapel, it is now viewed as one of the greatest works of Renaissance Europe.


  1. I like all of the artwork you saw on your tour, and all of them are related to the Medici.

  2. Although you have so many pictures, I really like the sentence you use to describe each picture.

  3. I like the pictures that you chose, and how all of them have a lot of info.

  4. I like The Post very Much,and when you made a caption for the picture i L.O.V.E how you used a vocab word for ALMOST every picture. Good Job :)

  5. You talk about the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but the picture is of the wall behind the alter. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
